Annual General Meeting 2023, News (Lefroy Minor Hockey)

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Jun 14, 2023 | Sherri Keates | 563 views
Annual General Meeting 2023
Our AGM will be held THURSDAY, JULY 13th at 7pm at INNISFIL TOWN HALL.Come join us to recap the previous season of activities and get a peek of what is ahead. This is also a great oppritunity to learn about volunteer opportunities and Board Member positions that are available! 

A Motion has been brought forward by the Lefroy Minor Hockey Association Board of Directors to replace the current LMHA Constitution with an updated version. We have worked with our legal counsel (HGR Graham Partners LLP) to update and bring current our Constitution and By-laws to be in compliance with the new Ontario Not-for-profit Corporations Act. The old and new documents as well as the official Notice of Motion can be found on our website under About Us > Constitution and Policies or by clicking THIS LINK.

Board Positions that are up for renewal or are vacant are as follows: 
  • Vice President 1
  • Ice Convenor
  • Sponsorship Chair
  • Equipment Director
  • Coaching Director
  • Possible additional openings due to board movement
Interested? If you are interested in a Board position the best thing to do is attend the Annual General Meeting! If you are unable to attend the AGM, please reach out to Sherri Keates and we will be more than happy to discuss positions available and ensure that your interest is communicated to the board! Our LMHA Board is what makes hockey happen in Lefroy and we always welcome new interest and ideas to make Lefroy bigger and better year over year!  
