Apr 14, 2023 | Sherri Keates | 789 views
2022/2023 Players Banquet
SAVE THE DATE: Sunday April 16th 12-3pm!
Morgan Russell Memorial ArenaAwards start at 12:30pm SHARP!
It’s that time of year again!!! Time to celebrate the accomplishments of our teams, players and coaching staff!This season's banquet will be a little bit different! We will be having all of our teams together at the same time and celebrating our players as a community. This will take place at the rink level of our arena (ice will be removed).
For our youger players, please bring your mini sticks as mini stick hockey rinks will be set up to allow for some fun activity!
Shannon Bondi of Bondi Photography will be donating her time again this season to photograph all players and families in front of a new custom Lefroy Ice Breakers backdrop! Thank you Shannon!